foliokit | Nouvelles
Documentation is here
A new documentation section is now available on Foliokit, where you will find information about the editor, the components and guides explaining how to perform the most common operations on Foliokit.
This new section isn't very complete yet, but content will be added regularly. Meanwhile, if you have any questions, feel free to ask them on the forum.
This new section isn't very complete yet, but content will be added regularly. Meanwhile, if you have any questions, feel free to ask them on the forum.
Bonjour, c'est bien que la documentation soit là, mais où la trouve-t-on? merci!
Bonjour, elle est dans la section 'Aide' disponible dans le menu du haut. Bien sûr ce n'est pour l'instant qu'un début, nous allons ajouter beaucoup de contenu ces prochains temps.